
Those who teach us the most about humanity aren´t always humans.

Celina y Peca
Celina and Peca

Laia and her bunny

Alberto and Kira

Alberto and his pet

Candela and her pet

Cecilia and her rabbit

Daniela and Simba

Dani and his dog

David and Curro

Gala and her cat

Hugo and his dog

Iria and Gita

Jara and Danger

Javier and a dog

Laia and her fish

Lucía Alarcón with a goat

Lurdes and her hamster

Marco and Olmo

María and Rubi

Mario and Kiwi

Rebeca and Vito

Rodrigo and Toro

Víctor and Mia

Ana and her cat

Laura and Chloe

Marta and Chloe

Alejandro and his turtle


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